May 19Liked by Queens Speech

Another excellent episode. Dr. P is brilliant and it was wonderful to put a voice to her postings on X.

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Just adore you guysxx where can we hear more from dr p please?

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I was not making a direct comparison. I specifically said it was in relation to society turning a blind eye to evil. Nothing in human history compares to the Holocaust. But the PROCESSES that allowed that event to happen get repeated over and over again. Namely, fear, apathy, groupthink.

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‘Listening to the children and the insights they bring’ is a very hippy thing. It was a reaction against that generation's parents who came to be associated with warmongering – WWII, Vietnam – and environmental devastation. It was thus a hope that the words of innocents would guide society to a better path. Reading ‘Lord of the Flies’ should have cured anyone of that notion.

We’re also seeing the abandonment of the precautionary principle. Instead of designing-out opportunities for predation, we assume the best of everyone and therefore can only act after the event. That’s all very hippy too: everyone plays nicely and it would be phobic to think otherwise.

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Anyone know why I can’t play the episode? I’m still subscribed !! US listener, tho.

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Please ignore above !! Problem is on my end ! Sorry !!

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Interesting discussion. Just one criticism. Please do not compare this horrific medical scandal to the Holocaust. People need to stop doing this. The TRAs do it. My son just came back from the March of the Living in Poland. Where my husband’s family came from. Polish Jewry were wiped out. Hundreds. Thousands. Millions. All except that had come to places like Britain or miraculously managed to hide. There is no comparison.

Yes, you can draw an analogy with Mengele. But even that is stretched. Painful often deadly medical experiments performed on slaves separated from (murdered) family. It’s a different order of magnitude.

What’s happening today is evil. The way that people close their eyes to evil is similar today to how people did this in the 1940s. Human nature and human evil and the banality of evil are constants. That analogy is fine.

But please, the child genital mutilation scandal is not “as bad as the Holocaust”. Please don’t ever say that again.

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I agree that the turning a blind eye to this is one of the worst aspects of this medical scandal and that is certainly analogous to Germans not noticing or caring when their Jewish neighbours started disappearing.

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Thank you for re-recording this.

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Great interview!

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I can relate to the concern Dr P raised that Psychologists should recognise the behaviour that they are engaging in. The organised skeptic movement claimed to be the experts on logical fallacies and other ways in which we fool ourselves. Most of them are now engaged in exactly these same cognitive dead-ends, with a few exceptions.

The audio is much better. I am guessing that the Dr was accidentally using bluetooth earbud mic rather than a better one.

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This is a fascinating interview. I agree that gender dysphoria - predicated on there being such a thing as a gender identity - does not exist. It seems to me that it's an ideological label - a cultural construct - for a number of mental conditions commonly found in adolescents and young adults, one of which, most obviously, is body dysmorphia. Calling these conditions, collectively, 'gender dysphoria', is just like the term 'hysteria' used to be applied to a number of conditions affecting women prior to the societal acknowledgement of women's equality. It has no basis in science. As for 'gender dysphoria' in adult men, I think we all know what that term is used to occlude when it comes to that demographic.

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May 7·edited May 7Author

It used to be called gender identity disorder and, before that, I believe it was called transsexualism. The change in language reflects the growing wokening of the American psychiatric profession. There are moves latterly to rename it again as "gender incongruence". For a "rights" movement that reliles so heavily on linguistic manipulations, this comes as no big surprise of course!

The other thing to bear in mind is that if they were consistent in their efforts to present trans as just a normal human variant, they would, as LG people did, be working to have it removed from the DSM altogether. The problem for them , in the US at least, is that then, all those expensive hormones and surgery wouldn't be covered by health insurance!

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Thanks for this. I just about heard most of the first interview with Dr P with my headphones turned right up! This second interview was quite different to the first I think but fascinating. I actually enjoyed it more. Two for the price of one!

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May 7Liked by Queens Speech

that's interesting! @Clive, would it be an option for you to upload the first recording again (with a "trigger warning" for bad audio), so we could get to hear both versions?

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No, I binned it because it was so bad. There wasn't much from the first interview that was missed out in this one.

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I love and know Dr P

Great episode! xx

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Really glad you were able to get Dr P back to re-record. Very interesting conversation, thank you!

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Thanks Clive x

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